Saturday, August 31, 2019



Most people follow their own routine, they are not right and I am not wrong. As I follow this because it is more effective and shows its result. 

MONDAY - Chest day.

TUESDAY - Shoulder day

WEDNESDAY - Leg day, Arm exercise

THURSDAY - Biceps and Triceps day

FRIDAY - Back Muscle, 

SATURDAY - Cardio exercise

SUNDAY - Rest day

#Point to keep in mind for the beginner 1 week you can do mix exercise from the above once to open or warm your muscle.
- At the start of any kind of exercise you have to warm your body properly without it, it will lead to the major injury to your body.
-You have to follow the same routine as you fix once throughout your gym training.
-Main focus you have fixed on the posture while picking up the weight.
-Give a gap of 2 -3 min after every exercise. 
-Never miss any day, Be consistent.
-Take proper diet and sleep according to the workout.
-Listen to your trainer carefully.
-Always increase your workout by 10% weekly.
-Every part of your muscle, you have to do 5 different exercises of the same muscle per day.
-Don't waste your energy on one exercise. 
Let's begin with 1st day and so on - 

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